Gazelle Mating Hard in Zoo

Gazelle Mating Hard in Zoo

Gazelle Mating Hard in Zoo

“The name for a gazelle comes from the Arabic word for a love poem.”

The gazelle is a graceful, intelligent, and alert creature. Though they once were in the thousands in Africa and Asia, this beautiful beast now only has a few hundred left in their family as the result of hunting. At great speeds, it can’t quite outrun predators but the way they jump helps them to get away. Though challenged in number, you can still see just under 500 in the wild today.

4 Incredible Gazelle Facts!

Here are a few fun facts about gazelle animals:

Gazelles are not fast enough to evade the path of a cheetah, but they are able to outmaneuver them as they run away.

Males and females have horns, unlike many mammals in the antelope family.

When a gazelle is nervous, he or she will honk.

A gazelle can jump 10 feet in the air and can run up to speeds of 60 mph in short bursts.


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